Selasa, 06 September 2011

That is true genius 99 Percent Perspiration

Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration '. Famous quote that is owned by scientist Thomas Alva Edison. The expression was increasingly evident and it turns out great scientists because it appears not just smart.

Author of scholarly books Andrew Robinson in his book 'Sudden Genius? " found similarities in both contemporary scientists and scholars of the past turned out to be a genius scientist does not happen overnight.

How to scientists that have many ideas in his head, there was a gradual way in making creative breakthroughs. The process of creativity is what makes a genius scientist.

According to Andrew, genius is the result of consistent hard work and a diligence. So if today many parents who want to print a child prodigy he can not with a shortcut.

Andrew found the creative process of making someone has an idea that so many other words, never give up trying to find the right formula.

Scientific study of creativity include many things like talent, intelligence, memory, dreams, subconscious, hard work and many more to become a genius is not merely being smart.

The pattern is found almost the same in both scientists and the artists as in the fields of archeology, architecture, art, biology, chemistry, film, music, literature, photography and physics.

Creativity is the key problem of a genius long before been revealed by the French polymath Henri Poincare famous in 1881. About 30 years later, Poincare published an analysis of the thinking process itself.

Poincare model is through the four stages of the conscious mind, unconscious mind (incubation), illumination (explained) and also verification. This was concluded since he studied in depth.

Scientists such as Albert Einstein, Hermann von Helmholtz and Werner Heisenberg once described the process of creativity similar to the Poincare model. Until now the four stages of creativity is the best model owned.

As quoted from Medindia on Thursday (16/09/2010) an experiment showed that in the unconscious state, one can enable complex information which inhibit consciousness.And that was just one factor.

Because of that person's genius can not be obtained through a short way, but it requires a persistence and hard work are consistent.

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